There is time in most people’s life that they wonder where they truly come from.
Being Hispanic my grandparents always shared with me their young life in Cuba and what the lifestyle
was like. It always made me think about what was beyond my grandparents stories. I decided to
take matters into my own hands to learn more about where I came from.

I went on to ancestry.com and began some searching. As I continued to search it just confirmed everything I
was told growing up. As I continued to add members of my family I was able to see things from
when my grandparents got to the United States to when my parents got married. I was able to get
insight on things that I only knew a little bit about. One of my grandfathers always shared with
us that somewhere along the line our family had some roots in Mexico. I come to realize that it
was closer in our family line than I thought. Since I never remembered my great-grandfather
because he passed away when I was a toddler I never quite realized that he actually was born in
Mexico , and later went to Cuba and married my great-grandmother.
Using this website has made me connect the unclear dots that my grandparent always shared with me growing up. Seeing this just gets me excited. It feels like I just started even though I have found so much information.
When comparing both sides of my family it is a little bit more difficult to find things on my mothers side because they are on the smaller side. On the other hand the majority of the information that was easily found was cause lots of family in my grandparents generation on my dad’s side had either inputted or had found the links to family members already. I hope to continue to learn about where I come from and find the missing links of family that I have yet to discover. This has become an important part of my life, and continue to be an integral part of
who I am. Even though I just scraped the surface of things that I found, I believe I can find so much more.